• The Journal of Misurata University for Agricultural Sciences is a specialized refereed scientific journal published by the Faculty of Agriculture, Misurata University in the field of agricultural sciences.
• The research article should meet the requirements of scientific research, including the presentation of the research problem, review of relevant studies, methodology, and presentation of results and recommendations.
• The article must be written on (A4) white paper using Microsoft Word (MS Word) and submitted on CD or via e-mail to the journal. The number of pages shall not exceed (15 pages) for articles in English and (20 pages) for articles in Arabic.
• An abstract in Arabic and English of no more than (250 words) shall be attached to the research article followed by keywords (5-7 words) to define the research article aspects.
Technical aspects of writing a research article are as follows:
- Articles in Arabic should be written in Traditional Arabic font, size (14). Articles in English should be written in Times New Roman font, size (12). Space between lines should be (1.15).
- The title of the research article should be at the center of the page in font size (16 dark) for Arabic, and font size (14 dark) for English, followed by the name of the researcher (s) in font size (12) for Arabic, and font size (10) for English. After that, there is the abstract of the article followed by keywords and the rest of the article.
- The name of the researcher (s) should be written in the natural order (first name, father’s name, and surname) including their affiliations and the email of the researcher handling correspondence.
- For headings, use font size (16 dark) for Arabic and (14 dark) for English.
- For subheadings, use font size (14 dark) for Arabic and (12 dark) for English.
- For abstract, use font size (12 italic) for Arabic and (10 normal) for English.
- Margins should be (2.5 cm) at the top and bottom - (3 cm) on the left and right for Arabic articles, and (3 cm) on the right and (4 cm) on the left for English.
• Tables are written using the tables' tool in Microsoft Word or Excel, numbered and provided with titles using (dark line) above the table, and each of them is referred to with the same sequence present in the body of the research article.
• Charts and figures are made using Excel or Microsoft Office-compatible programs and are stored in JPG, PNG, or GIF, taking into account the colors used to distinguish different inputs in the graphs. It should also be numbered and provided with titles using (dark line) below the figure or graph and each of them is referred to with the same sequence present in the body of the research article.
• Equations are numbered in sequence according to their presence in the body of the article, and this number is placed in parentheses in front of the equation.
• Arabic numerals and the International System of Units should be used.
- Citations (sources) are referred to in the body of the article by placing the surname of the researcher followed by the year of publication in parentheses. If there are more than two researchers, the surname of the principal researcher and others are placed followed by the year of publication in parentheses (for both Arabic and English).
• All sources cited in the research article must be included in the references list at the end of the article, and arranged in alphabetical order starting with the Arabic references first then foreign references without numbering. References should be according to the following:
-Books: The surname of the author (s) is written followed by the letter (s) referring to his name, the year of publication, the title of the book (between quotation marks), the edition number, and the place of publication.
- Scientific Journal: The surname of the researcher (s) is written first followed by the letter (s) referring to his name, the year of publication, the title of the research (between quotation marks), the name of the journal, the place of the publication, the volume, the (issue), and page numbers.
- Conference: The surname of the researcher (s) is written first followed by the letter (s) referring to his name, the year of publication, the title of the research (between quotation marks), the name of the conference, the name of the supervising authority, the place of the meeting, and the date of the meeting (‘under publishing’ is added if the article has not been published yet).
• Researchers should fill out the journal's commitment form indicating that the research article has not been published or sent for publication in any other journal.
- Upon acceptance of the research article for publication, the researcher (s) shall sign a form that indicates agreeing on the transfer of all ownership rights related to the article to the Faculty of Agriculture, Misurata University.
•The researcher should have a free of charge electronic copy of the issue in which his research article or study is published.
• The scientific information presented in the research article published in the journal reflects the views of the researcher (s) and does not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the editorial board, the Faculty of Agriculture, or the University of Misurata.