Printing ISSN2708-857X
Online ISSN 2708-8588

Volume 1 - Issue2
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Completion of survey and identification species of weeds in the city of Tripoli and its suburbs
Date Published: 2024-10-23 <> Date Received: 2024-02-01
Hassan M. ALharari (Crop Science Department)
Mohamed A. Nasef (Crops Department - Agriculture Faculty - Tripoli University)
Abdul Raoof M. El-Wasif (Rang and forestry Department - Faculty of Agriculture - University of Tripoli )

Abstract... This study was conducted in the period from December 2021 up to 2023. The objective was to identify the weed species spreading at the city of Tripoli and its suburbs in completion of a previous study which was conducted the same city in the period from December 2018 to April 2021. Based on the results of the study 139 species of weed were detected which spread in the areas targeted by the survey which belong to 35 vegetarian families. The dominance of the family Poaceae with 26 species followed by the Asteraceae, Fabaceae and Brassicaceae with 25, 18, and 10 species respectively. 116 species of weed were detected in the previous study where as 23 species belongs to 8 vegetarian families not included in the previous study. The dominance was the Poaceae and Asteraceae families with 8 and 5 species respectively. Thorough the field observation in comparison with the previous study, it was noted that Oxalis compressa Thunb. Which belongs to the Oxalidaceae family and Verbesina encelioides (Cav.) Bonth.Aook which belongs to the Asteraceae family which are not included in the Flora of Libya, and also Reichardia tingitana (L.) weeds and both belongs to the Asteraceae family, have widespread inside the city of Tripoli and spread to other agricultural and non-agricultural areas not observed in the previous study excluding the first weed which increased spread only in the areas where it was previous observed.(Research station of the faculty of agriculture- university of Tripoli and Sidi Minder Cemetery), and no spread noted for this weed in other areas in the city. Moreover, the spread of Bidens pilosa L. weed which belongs to the previous family has decreased in the previous areas and was not noted in other areas inside the city in addition, weeds belonged to the Astreaceae family was the most spreading weeds inside Tripoli in agricultural and non-agricultural areas and green landscapes, particularly the wild eye of the sun (Verbesina encelioides (Cav.) Bonth.Aook) which in addition to the previous Location increased even onside walks in the city. Therefore, a complete program must be developed to control and decrease the spread of weeds growing in a certain area is to provide information to help those interested in weed control to set a specific program to control the spread of weed and decrease them and prevent weed from blocking the production of a agricultural crops

Keywords : Weed survey, Spread of weeds, Tripoli, Asteraceae family, Oxalidaceae family