Printing ISSN 2519-9749

Studying the Effect of the Electromagnetic Mobile Radiation on the Embryonic Formation in Chicken

This study is concerned with the effect of electromagnetic radiation (ERM) emitted from the mobile phone due to its frequent use on a daily basis and for long hours and understanding the damage it may cause. other live when exposed to these rays for long periods.
In this research, the effect of (ERM) emitted from mobile phones at a frequency of 900-1800MHz on the embryonic formation of local chickens was studied, where 90 samples were collected to compare eggs exposed to electromagnetic radiation and those not exposed to electromagnetic radiation.
This study concluded that there are effects of (ERM) emitted from mobile phones at a frequency of 900-1800 MHz on fetuses exposed to electromagnetic radiation compared to healthy fetuses (not exposed to radiation) represented in the small size of the head, bleeding under the skin and in the nose, the appearance of a hernia in the abdomen, and a transparent layer on the eyes as well as the wings and legs with a weak structure, the backbone does not protrude compared to the healthy group.
This study also concluded that electromagnetic radiation affects living tissues in the body, and the brain and skin were the organs most affected by radiation due to the large number of blood vessels in it, as the radiation has toxic effects on brain cells by increasing the number of programmed cells and fragmentation of exposed brain tissue and causing bleeding under the skin Where radiation works on changing living cells of tissues, starting from the plasma membrane and its various receptors, and living molecules inside the cell that may cause genotoxicity. This change may have an effect on cell proliferation in terms of increase, and this causes damage to the internal organs in local chicken embryos.

تاريخ النشر
تاريخ الاستلام
Fatma Ali Gliwan, Hawa bin Hamal Ahjiba,Zahra Muhammad Al-Amin, Wijdan Salem Abu Zariba
(جامعة مصراتة - كليّة العلوم)
الكلمات المفتاحية
البيانات غير مدرجة