Printing ISSN2708-857X
Online ISSN 2708-8588

Journal of Misurata University for Agricultural Sciences

Scientific research plays an important role for development and progress of societies and is the way that reveals all that gives human civilization the dignified life and intellectual sophistication that we see today. Therefore, all discoveries, especially those of today’s world, are merely the result of scientific studies, which......More

Editor in Chief ..

We are pleased in the Journal of Agricultural Sciences at the University of Misurata to launch this scientific project to develop agricultural research and create a point of contact for research ideas that everyone participates by thinking about their content and knowing the methods used in the published research and the recommendations that researchers extracted based on their results. While we open this event of this scientific and refereed journal and showing its existence, we seek to continue and evolve to rise to the higher ranks. This scientific journal aims to include scientific research in various fields of agricultural science. However, this volume is limited to the research done in the field of plant production, while the following volumes - as planned by the committee - will be......more
Welcome to the website of the Journal of Agriculture Sciences at Misurata University! It is my pleasure to greet you in the world of scientific research and knowledge presented through the pages of our journal. As the Editor-in-Chief of this journal, I take great pride in the vital role the journal plays in highlighting the latest innovations and research in the field of agricultural sciences. We are committed to providing high-quality scientific content that contributes to the development of the field of agriculture and related sciences. Each issue of our journal reflects the efforts of our experienced and promising researchers who work diligently to present leading ideas and innovations. We invite researchers and those interested in the field of agricultural sciences to actively......more

On This Issue...

Effect of rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus) supplemented diet on squab meat characteristics of Libyan local pigeon

This study was conducted to investigate the effect of rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus) dried leaves supplemented diet on the characteristics of squab meat. Thirty pigeon pairs were randomly assigned to three diets: control (C: 0% rosemary) and two treatment groups (T1: 0.5% and T2: 1% rosemary), with 10 replicates per group. The study lasted from mating until the weaning of hatched squabs. At weaning age, six squabs were randomly chosen (two per group) to study meat characteristics. The rosemary tends to increase live weight and increase the dressing percentage of squab carcasses; this increase was significant with a 0.5% supplement in comparison with C group (p < 0.05%). Except for a decrease in meat to bone ratio in the 0.5% group, the rosemary supplement had no effect on the percentage of primal cuts and meat to bone ratio of these cuts (p > 0.05). Rosemary supplement led to a decrease in crop and liver relative weights, while heart weight was not aff.

Date Published : 2025-02-07
Date Received : 2024-03-15

Journal Statistics





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