Abstract... Dino Buzzati e Tawfiq al-Hakim si sono accorti di una delle sfide umane cioè la battaglia fatale contro il tempo. La sconfitta cui sono predestinati gli uomini, più che altro la gente della caverna e Drogo, i quali -grazie alla loro vita legata a momenti storici critici oppure a ruoli di maggiore importanza rispetto agli altri- indirizzano l’attenzione a questa lotta contro il tempo. Ogni autore ha scelto un genere e un metodo diverso per presentare la propria visione impiegando protagonisti di particolari caratteristiche, il suo bagaglio culturale, sociale e le sue esperienze private. Il mio metodo è basato su uno studio comparativo. La tesi cerca di specificare i punti che accomunano due culture, quella araba e italiana, e di mettere in rilievo le differenze alla pari. Il paragone fatto nella tesi è stato autenticato dalla lettura delle monografie e dei libri più importanti che riguardavano gli autori studiati. Inoltre ho analizzato le diverse idee delle opere in modo da evidenziare il concetto della lotta secondo gli scrittori, i quali impiegano quest’idea per trasmetterci le loro prospettive di vita e i loro pensieri.
Abstract... The divine love is considered to be the emotional and mystical state in which the Sufi mysticism and its emotional complexions emerged, and the language of its mysteries was formed from it. It expresses its knowledge of taste, which reveals the emotional, intellectual, and emotional connection in the Sufi experience of Tawfiq al-Shahoudi and the language of its mysteries and mystical discoveries.
Through the Sufi discourse in his unique language we try to deduce the manifestations of the abyss in the divine love in the mystic discoveries which are embodied in the language of revelation and taste.
Abstract... This paper reviews the water resources that supply the urban public
water network, and investigates the reasons beyond the fluctuation in
water supplies that assigned to Misurata Municipality. The paper also
focuses on giving an overview of the sources of water in the past, the
damage caused to it as well as the alternative solution which is the
man-made river. Despite the good allocations to the region from this
source, it is not reliable in the long term, due to fluctuation that occur
to its supplies from time to time, which was the subject of research in
this study. In terms of data collection, the researcher collected the data
from the references and official reports issued by relevant institutions,
furthermore, making interviews with managers and officials in various
administrations in the water sector. The study concluded the following
results: total cessation of old supplying sources, the insufficient water
that came from the man-made river system and exposed to fluctuate
from time to time in the previous period. Thus, some of the
recommendations have been suggested, that the researcher finds them
useful in supporting the water public network that might be needed for
different aspects of life.
Abstract... The aim of this study is to identify the linguistic structure of Ferdinand de Saussure. Linguistics is considered the principal center of the linguistic structure. Linguistics is the science, which studies the human language scientifically and descriptively far from standard judgment. The fundamental topic of linguistics is studying language structuralism on the basis that the linguistic structure stands on its own and alone as it is the tool of denotation. This tool to achieving communication process through system of symbols. Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913) is considered the pioneer who called for a descriptive study of language rather than a historical study as it is a social phenomenon. He sought to set the methodological foundations of linguistics analysis ; in addition to describe the human languages to reach the common majors among them; in addition to factors affecting the language such as the psychological, geographic and social factors . this paper presents a vision of the new developments introduced by Ferdinand de Saussure on linguistics , starting with his distinction between language and speech , through the duality , the signifier and signified giving emphasis on the arbitrariness of the mark , and up to his study of language as a current descriptive study and the other is a successive historical study .
Abstract... `Disparity` did not appear as a literary term in the glossaries of criticism nor it did in rhetoric and literature books. However, it was present on two levels: the production and the reception, in its meaning in critical practice of the Critics of the Third Century A H. The paper is meant to gather critical terms that fall within the ` Disparity` circle, and tries to study them through two cognitive matrices. The first looks at the term and concept, and the second monitors the phenomenon in poetic production and reception.
We will identify poetic Disparity in relation to nearer terms such as contradiction, discrepancy and difference. Then, we will examine the causes of Disparity within three dimensions: the subjective, religious and political, and finally try to delve deeper into the nature of poetic disparity and understand how it works.
The investigation has led to three lines according to which the Disparity occurs. The first is related to the theme of the poetry itself, the second is what the processes of reception require, and the third depends on the poet himself. As result, it became easier to locate it in f Jacobson communicative plan within what can be called the structure of connectedness, i.e. the movement from general to specific, where the process of Disparity starts from the context (poetic theme), the narrators and ending with the sender (poet).
Abstract... Economic resources are raw materials and commodities Thus, the study came to identify the most important raw materials and manufactures that were abundant in the region, the most important desert routes linking commercial cities, and the importance of the goods traded in the middle Ages.The results of the study showed the extent of interest of Moroccans in the trade movement. They marketed their industries and benefited from the raw materials abounding in the countries of Sudan. They were a link between African raw materials and foreign trade with the levant and Mediterranean countries.
Abstract... This paper deals with the Algerian novel written in French, which appeared as a reaction to some French writters who wanted to falsify the reality of the situation in Algeria during the French colonial period. Through a narrative speech written in the language of the coloniser himself; the Algerian novelist managed to expose the truth of colonial France and to reveal the falsehood of some of its writters alegations. The Algerian novel thus became a vaste space to convey of the algerians suffrings during this period of his history. This litterary experience has permeted to the Algerian novel to enter in to the ranck of world literature.
Abstract... This paper reports the psychometric properties of the Raven`s Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) among a Libyan student sample from Misurata. The study sample consisted 400 participants (171 males, 229 females), their age ranged from 12 to 17 years (M = 14.31, SD =1.17). The results showed that item difficulty indices on set II ranged from 10% to 100% (M = 68.56%) and all of them needed to be rearranged according to their difficulty index, and that discrimination indices ranged from .02 to .56 (M = .22). The construct and Criterion validity of APM were confirmed; Moreover, test –retest reliability and Cronbach`s alpha reliability values of the APM test were strong. The results were discussed in the light of the related literature.
Abstract... The aim of this paper is to study Regressive rounding harmony induced by a suffixal back round vowel in the Libyan Arabic dialect spoken in the city of Misrata. The skeletal structure in the collected words is a /CVCVC-/ stem followed by the third person plural suffix /-u/. Consequently, the derived form of the examined words becomes /CVCVCV/. Following a rule of re-syllabification, the coda of the ultimate syllable in the stem becomes the onset of the newly formed syllable (ultimate in the derived form). Thus, in the presence of the suffix /-u/ in the derived form, all vowels in the word must harmonise with the [+round] feature of /-u/ unless there is a high front vowel /i/ intervening. In such cases, the high front vowel is defined as an opaque segment that is incompatible with the feature [+round]. Syllable and morpheme boundaries within words do not seem to contribute to blocking the regressive spreading of harmony. An autosegmental approach to analyze these words is adopted here. It is concluded that there are two sources in underlying representations for regressive rounding harmony in Libyan Arabic. One source is floating [+round] and another source is [+round].