Printing ISSN 2664 – 1674
Online ISSN 2664 – 1682

Issue 10

Single / multi TCP and a fairness issue
Date Published:
Dunia Meftah Shwehdy (Faculty of Arts Misurata University)
Fatma Ali Badish (Misurata University/Faculty of Arts)
Nadia Ali Badish (Misurata University/Faculty of Arts)

Abstract... In distributed systems domain a good connection is a structural quest for messages transfer between clusters in today`s high performance applications. Initiating a single TCP used in networks, than it drops as a bundle of TCP`s called multiple or parallel TCP. This drop wasn`t quite successful it also created some ugly fouling , for this reason some studies concluded that in general resultant a multi TCP is not much differ of a single TCP ,but others refined that the multi socket TCP achieves better throughput and performance than the single socket approach [1]. The applications that require good network performance often use multi socket TCP streams and TCP modifications to improve the effectiveness of TCP .but if the network bottleneck is fully utilized, this approach boosts throughput by unfairly stealing bandwidth from competing TCP stream. This dilemma driven to some opinions see that improve the effectiveness of TCP is much easier than to while maintaining fairness [2]. in this paper we submit our own destination to compare between single-socket TCP and multi-socket TCP to conclusiveness the argumentativeness according about any one is the best, in performance and throughput ,we also discussed a fairness issue in both ,and finally we defined an algorithm for enhance multi TCP`s performance.