Printing ISSN
الساتل للعلوم الإنسانية: 2518-539X
الساتل للعلوم التطبيقية: 2518-5969
Online ISSN
الساتل للعلوم الإنسانية: 2518-5403
الساتل للعلوم التطبيقية: 2518-5977



Editor in Chief ..

Latest Issue :
NO 40

February  2025

On This Issue...

Anxiety of Lawrence Durrell in a Glass of Warm Milk: A Symbolic Archetype Study of Bitter Lemons of Cyprus

Alaa B. Elgadi
This study endeavored to enlighten the significance of Durrell's anxious introspection as a travel book writer voyaging to Cyprus after drinking a glass of warm milk. The study aimed to attain how symbolically Durrell concealed his worry- related anxiety in a glass of warm milk in Bitter Lemons of Cyprus (1957), when voyaged to Cyprus, and what are the scientific and aesthetic connotations, which denoted his intelligence in blending life sciences into his novel. To achieve these aspirations, a qualitative method was applied through certain parts of Chapter One: Towards an Eastern Landfall of Bitter Lemons of Cyprus, via the worry-related anxiety analysis originated by the Unified Theory of Anxiety and Cognitions, as there was an insisting necessity of highlighting the author's mental power as a travel book writer. The results revealed Durrell's anxiety about his destination to the island of Cyprus. They divulged that he deliberately bought a glass of warm milk and drank it before h.

Date Published : 2025-01-12
Date Received : 2024-12-28

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