العدد الحادي عشر
تحميل العدد كامل

تاريخ النشر: 2024-11-30 <> تاريخ الاستلام: 2024-09-02
علي ارفيدة (كلية الصيدلة جامعة مصراتة)

) https://doi.org/10.36602/mmsj/2024.n11.01

Abstract... Choosing the proper drug product is becoming increasingly complicated for health professionals and patients due to the abundance of generic brands in the local drug market. This study aimed to evaluate the different physicochemical parameters of furosemide (FSM) tablets from various manufacturers using in vitro tests to minimize health risk factors and maximize the safety of consumers. Four brands (X1, X2, X3, X4) of furosemide tablets were evaluated using both official and unofficial in vitro Quality control tests, including both official and unofficial methods: visual inspection, uniformity of weight, thickness and diameter test, hardness test, friability test, disintegration test, dissolution test, and uniformity content assay. The results showed that all four brands of the (FSM) tablets are meet the British Pharmacopeia (BP) and United State Pharmacopeia (USP) standard specifications for in vitro evaluation Quality control tests. Physicians can recommend any of these four products to patients, as they all demonstrated reliable results. The studied products were of good quality and can be used to achieve the desired therapeutic effect.

Choosing the proper drug product is becoming increasingly complicated for health professionals and patients due to the abundance of generic brands in the local drug market. This study aimed to evaluate the different physicochemical parameters of furosemide (FSM) tablets from various manufacturers using in vitro tests to minimize health risk factors and maximize the safety of consumers. Four brands (X1, X2, X3, X4) of furosemide tablets were evaluated using both official and unofficial in vitro Quality control tests, including both official and unofficial methods: visual inspection, uniformity of weight, thickness and diameter test, hardness test, friability test, disintegration test, dissolution test, and uniformity content assay. The results showed that all four brands of the (FSM) tablets are meet the British Pharmacopeia (BP) and United State Pharmacopeia (USP) standard specifications for in vitro evaluation Quality control tests. Physicians can recommend any of these four products to patients, as they all demonstrated reliable results. The studied products were of good quality and can be used to achieve the desired therapeutic effect.

Keywords : Choosing the proper drug product is becoming increasingly complicated for health professionals and patients due to the abundance of generic brands in the local drug market. This study aimed to evaluate the different physicochemical parameters of furosemide (FSM) tablets from various manufacturers using in vitro tests to minimize health risk factors and maximize the safety of consumers. Four brands (X1, X2, X3, X4) of furosemide tablets were evaluated using both official and unofficial in vitro Quality control tests, including both official and unofficial methods: visual inspection, uniformity of weight, thickness and diameter test, hardness test, friability test, disintegration test, dissolution test, and uniformity content assay. The results showed that all four brands of the (FSM) tablets are meet the British Pharmacopeia (BP) and United State Pharmacopeia (USP) standard specifications for in vitro evaluation Quality control tests. Physicians can recommend any of these four products to patients, as they all demonstrated reliable results. The studied products were of good quality and can be used to achieve the desired therapeutic effect. KEYWORDS: Furosemide, Tablet, Quality control tests.

Tonsillitis Index, recommendation for tonsillectomy in recurrent/chronic tonsillitis
تاريخ النشر: 2024-12-05 <> تاريخ الاستلام: 2024-06-05
خالد بعيو (كلية اتطب - جامعة مصراتة)
محمد باتيل (كلية الطب - جامعة بنغازي)


Abstract... A prospective study was conducted on 57 patients. The aim of this study is to find out the concept of Tonsillitis Index as a clinical decision-making as a guide and indicator to recommend tonsillectomy in patients with recurrent/chronic tonsillitis.
Data were collected, including the disease history data, based on the evaluation of the severity of the recurrent tonsillitis and length of morbidity period. Microbiology reports of tonsillar surface swabs, tonsil core specimens and blood culture reports were collected. (Tonsillitis Index) to investigate whether there is a relationship between the disease history of recurrent /chronic tonsillitis and the macroscopic signs of sclerotic process in tonsils were evaluated. The statistical analysis of the study showed good correlation between tonsillitis Index score >25 and sclerotic tonsils. Being sensitive in 92.31%, specificity in 77.4% and positive likely hood ration of 4.00 and positive predictive value of 77.42%. The findings suggest that when the tonsils have deteriorated functionally and when the Tonsillitis Index score >35, the tonsils have deteriorated immunologically and the chance for resolution of recurrent / chronic infection is less likely to occur. Hence tonsillectomy is an appropriate surgical option.

Keywords : KEYWORDS: Tonsillitis Index, Tonsil Surface, Tonsil Core Culture, Recurrent / Chronic Tonsillitis, Tonsillectomy

تاريخ النشر: 2024-12-17 <> تاريخ الاستلام: 2024-06-17
سليمان جعية (كلية الطب البشري / قسم العيون / جامعة طرابلس)


Abstract... ABSTRACT
The study aimed to determine the causes of irreversible unilateral and bilateral severe visual loss that cannot be medically, optically or surgically rehabilitated, in patients followed at Tripoli Eye Hospital. A retrospective analysis was conducted on 43 patients with irreversible vision loss. Demographic and clinical data were collected, ocular diseases that could be treated, were excluded. Additionally, patients under 10 years of age were not included. The study showed unilateral irreversible vision loss (58%) were more prevalent than bilateral visual loss (41.8%). Male-to-female ratio was 2.07:1. Glaucoma was the most common cause (67.4%), followed by retinal diseases (21%). Primary open angle glaucoma was the predominant cause in the glaucoma group (51.7%), while tractional retinal detachment was the most common cause in the retinal group (44.4%), often associated with diabetes mellitus. Refractive amblyopia was the cause in all patients with refractive-related visual disability, which was unilateral and affected younger individuals (mean age: 31.6 years). Glaucoma and diabetic ocular complications are the commonest causes of irreversible vision loss observed at Tripoli Eye Hospital, Libya. Early detection of these conditions through effective screening at primary healthcare centers is crucial. As older age often associated with systemic diseases that can impact vision, early detection of ocular diseases linked to these conditions, such as diabetes mellitus, can prevent vision loss and maintains functional vision throughout a patient's life.

Keywords : KEYWORDS: Irreversible vision loss, Visual disability, Glaucoma, Neovascular glaucoma, Amblyiopia, Tractional retinal detachment.

تاريخ النشر: 2024-12-28 <> تاريخ الاستلام: 2024-07-29
خديجة الظراط (جامعة مصراتة)

سمر الصادق (جامعة مصراتة)
عائشة ابوشعالة (جامعة مصراتة)


Abstract... This research explores the challenges encountered by English as Foreign Language medical students in writing clinical histories at the faculty of Medicine, Misurata University. The study aims to identify common errors, understand their causes, and propose potential solutions. Through a mixed-methods approach, data were collected via analysis of clinical history writing, questionnaires, and focus group with faculty members and students. Findings revealed prevalent issues such as lack of organization, abbreviation misuse, formatting errors, repetition of symptoms, incomplete sentences, and spelling errors. Faculty members cited weak English teaching, limited writing experience, and inadequate curriculum as contributing factors. Proposed solutions include curriculum enhancements, teacher training, and English proficiency testing. Quantitative analysis of questionnaire responses highlighted challenges in sentence construction, verb conjugation, punctuation, and vocabulary usage. Recommendations for future research include continuous investigation and adoption of explanatory approaches with pre and post-tests. The study underscores the need for systemic reforms in English language education to better prepare medical students for their future careers, ultimately benefiting students, teachers, and researchers.

Keywords : : Errors, Analysis, Mistakes, Clinical History